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The Office of the Solicitor General is an independent and autonomous office attached to the Department of Justice[1]. Although the OSG is attached to the DOJ, the OSG is not a constituent unit of the DOJ[2]. The DOJ's authority, control and supervision over the OSG are limited only to budgetary purposes.[3]

The OSG is headed by the Solicitor General, who is the principal law officer and legal defender of the Government. He is assisted by a Legal Staff composed of at least thirty (30) Assistant Solicitors General, each heading a legal division. Each division shall consist of ten (10) lawyers and such other personnel as may be necessary for the office to effectively carry out its functions.[4]

[1] Sec. 1, Executive Order No. 300, July 26, 1987.
[2] Sec. 4, Chapter 1, Title III, Book IV, Executive Order No. 292, July 25, 1987.
[3] Funa v. Agra, et al., G.R. No. 191644, February 19, 2013.
[4] Sec. 34, Chapter 12, Title III, Book IV, 1987 Administrative Code of the Philippines; Republic Act No. 9417, 24 July 2006.